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Photography Exposure Compensation Explained

Updated: Apr 24, 2023

Every camera on the market today has an Exposure Compensation feature. Most people don't know what it is or how to use it. Here I'll teach you 'how and when' to use exposure compensation and how it can turn an OK photo into a wow...I've got to share this image!

How to use Exposure Compensation
Lisa rides Baja as the sun sets behind her.

Technical info:

Camera body: NIKON D3

Lens: 70.0-200.0 mm f/2.8

Focal Length: 125 mm

Focus Mode: Auto

AF-Area Mode: Single


Aperture: f2.8

Shutter Speed: 1/2500

Exposure Mode: Aperture

Exposure Comp.: -1 EV

Metering: Spot

ISO Sensitivity: ISO 200

Film Emulation: VIVID

Sharpening: 0

Contrast: -1

Brightness: 0

Saturation: +1

Hue: 0


The Big Question.

Ask yourself this question; am I getting the best shots from my camera? Hang on, hang on, before you yell yes there are some rules. You only get to answer yes if you understand what every button and function on your camera does. Let’s face it most people don’t.

There’s no point beating yourself up. Instruction manuals just aren’t sexy and it’s far too easy to pull out your shiny new photographic box of magic and start snapping images.

Am I Compensating?

One of the most under-utilised features on all cameras is exposure compensation (EV feature). Weird, as it’s also potentially one of the most powerful features at your fingertips.

Size Doesn’t Matter.

Want more convincing that you should carry on reading? Well, this feature is so important that almost every camera sold today, whether it’s a giant DSLR or a pocket-sized automatic offers exposure compensation as a user-controlled feature.

Lighten Up.

Simply put, the exposure compensation feature lets you overexpose (lighten) or underexpose (darken) your shots. Yeah, I know that you thought your expensive camera was meant to do all the work but guess what? It’s never going to ‘guess’ how to produce every shot as well as you can, once you’ve taken control of your camera's features.

You’ve probably seen the exposure compensation button on your camera a thousand times. On most cameras, the feature can be found with this symbol +show EV button Symbol+

The good news is you can use the EV feature in almost every camera mode, S sometimes known as Tv (shutter priority), A (aperture priority) modes or

P (Auto). 

How and When to Use EV.

So, the big question is how or when to use exposure compensation. I’ll give you a few examples. I often use the EV button to control blown highlights (areas of pure white in your images). I often shoot portraits in bright sunshine. When my subject takes up the majority of my frame, my camera will take a general metering (assessment of the light) and adjust the exposure. If my subject is sweating, wet or has a darker skin tone it’s easy to get ‘blown highlights’ (areas of pure white where no detail exists), which appear on the forehead, cheeks and chin. In these cases, I’ll dial in some negative EV control usually -0.3 to -0.7. This will ensure the highlights are still in my camera's colour range and I can easily brighten the image in post-processing if I want the darker areas of the image a little lighter.

If I’m shooting Lisa in an expansive landscape it can be tough to make sure that both she and her bike are correctly exposed. If the landscape makes up 60% plus of the shot and is dark (i.e. a forest of trees), the camera will expose the shot based on the general tone of the shot (the darker majority) and often Lisa and her bike (which are brighter) will appear overexposed (over bright). The more overexposed parts of an image are, the less detail those parts of the image have. In these cases, I’ll tap the EV button and bring down the EV (exposure compensation) by as much as -1 (1 stop). This will ensure that Lisa and her bike are full of detail and look great.

Lisa and I are often in stunning landscapes which we want to photograph and share. In the early years of my photographic career, I’d produce so many images where the sky was overexposed (blown out) and only the landscape was correctly exposed.

The problem here is that any great image is about how all the parts of the image work with one another. What’s a landscape shot without that deep and dark blue sky, where dramatic clouds play across the mountaintops. Nowadays I’ll dial in some EV -2 or sometimes more. In Photoshop, or your software of choice, it’s a 5-second job to adjust that darker landscape and dramatically and quickly you’ve got that magic shot: you’ve recreated what you saw and importantly, what you wanted to share.

Conversely, there are shots that need to be brighter or lightened to create a breezy or romantic image. Yep, you guessed it, dial in some EV, but this time we’re going ‘positive’ so go ahead and dial in +0.3, +0.7 or even higher. The point here is that it's up to you because you now understand what’s going on and how to control it.


TIP: Remember it’s fine to play around, deleting is free.


Good luck and have fun.

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Professional photographer and motorcycle adventurer based in Wales, United Kingdom, and founder of LIVING LENS PHOTOGRAPHY and 2 Ride The World. Simon, with his wife spent 17-years travelling the world by motorcycle, exploring some of the most remote and beautiful location on earth across 6 continents. His editorial and photographic work has been featured in publications all over the world, and his commercial clients include brands such as, BMW Motorrad, Adobe and SENA.



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